Category: news
Barbara Gorayska’s oil painting ‘Life on Stage’ was enthusiastically accepted for The Oxford Art Society’s Members Exhibition. It is on show at The Oxfordshire Museum until the 28th…
Barbara Gorayska was recently invited by the Royal Society of Arts (the RSA, or, more formally, the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) to…
The show is a legacy of Barbara Gorayska’s five year engagement as a pro bono Artist in Residence in support of two Oxford University projects that promote responsible…
Chagallesque is on permanent display at the office of the Human Centred Computing research group, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford.
The Kings Arms, Oxford have bought Memento Mori and will be putting the painting on permanent display early 2017.
Took place on Thursday April 2016 21st – 4:00pm Kings Arms pub – The Wadham room Author and Oxford Shakespeare jubilee director, Tom McDonnell gives a talk on…